Employment LawEDUCATION
- New York University School of Law (J.D.) Honors: cum laude
- New York University (B.A.) Honors: magna cum laude
- New York, 1991
- Massachusetts, 1990
- U.S. District Court Southern District of New York
- U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York
- U.S. District Court Northern District of New York
- U.S. District Court Western District of New York
- U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals 7th Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit
Anne L. Clark
Managing Partner
Anne Clark represents clients in a wide variety of employment and discrimination cases involving race, gender, harassment, pregnancy, age, disability, sexual orientation, and identity. Anne’s experience also encompasses retaliation, whistleblower, breach of contract, and compensation and benefits cases.
Representative Experience
- Appointed by the New York Attorney General to co-lead the investigation of sexual harassment allegations involving former Governor Andrew Cuomo
- Survived a motion to dismiss, and later a motion for summary judgment, for a professor who was denied tenure and reappointment in retaliation for her requests to accommodate her disability (MS) and her complaints of discrimination and retaliation
- In a case brought by a former senior executive, after the employer filed counterclaims against the plaintiff, secured a court order that the employer was obligated to pay half of plaintiff’s legal fees during the litigation pursuant to an indemnification agreement
- Survived summary judgment in a sexual harassment and retaliation case where the harasser did not work for plaintiff’s employer. Court rejected defendant’s argument that it could not be held responsible for harassment by someone it did not employ
- Survived a motion to dismiss in an Equal Pay Act case for Chief Architect for a university. The court permitted comparisons to men with job titles different from the plaintiff’s
Prior Experience
- Hon. Raymond J. Pettine of the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island, Law Clerk
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, Skadden Fellow/Staff Attorney
- Ranked in Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers®, and Chambers
- Former adjunct professor, Fordham Law School
- Board Chair of Brandworkers, a membership organization of low-wage workers in the local food manufacturing industry organizing for better working conditions
- Task Force Member, New York State Bar Association’s blue-ribbon Task Force on Advancing Diversity
- Board Member, City Bar Fund, an affiliate of the New York City Bar Association responsible for four charitable, community impact programs
- Board Member, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW), an organization that prepares, trains, and places women in careers in the skilled construction, utility, and maintenance trades
- Member, Federal Bar Council
- Member, Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Member, National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA)
- Member, National Employment Lawyers Association/New York
- Frequent CLE speaker