Vladeck, Raskin & Clark, P.C. | New York Employment, Labor, and Discrimination Lawyers | Notable Cases
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Notable Cases

We have served as counsel in many individual and class actions that have resulted in victories, settlements and important legal precedents. Here is just a sample:

  • In Elis For Rachael Inc V Yale University

    The parties reached a settlement agreement to resolve a lawsuit in federal district court related to how students with mental health disabilities were treated by the University. The settlement will result in updated Yale policies that increase equity for students with mental health disabilities.

  • U.S. v. Nolan, – F.3d – 2020 WL 1870140 (2d. Cir. 4/15/2020)

    We won a complete reversal of conviction on a four-eyewitness robbery conviction in New York’s highest federal appeals court on the trial lawyer’s failure to adequately challenge wrongfully tainted police arranged identification procedures or consult an appropriate expert witness at trial, resulting in the client’s immediate release from custody. On remand, the charges against him were entirely dismissed.

  • Dodd v. City University of New York, et al.

    The court ruled that plaintiff can pursue her claims that CUNY and its administrators retaliated against her after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and sought accommodations. In 2015, we had negotiated a settlement with CUNY to obtain accommodations. The court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged that after the settlement she was subjected to numerous retaliatory acts, culminating in denial of tenure and denial of reappointment as an associate professor.

  • Della Pietra v. Poly Prep, et al.

    First case to recognize a private right of action for whistleblower retaliation under New York’s Non-Profit Revitalization Act. The matter was resolved shortly after the firm successfully defended a motion to dismiss.

  • Browne Sanders v. Madison Square Garden, Isiah Thomas, and James Dolan

    The jury ruled in plaintiff’s favor on her claims of sexual harassment and retaliation and awarded $11.6 million in punitive damages. The case settled before the district court ruled on plaintiff’s claim for lost wages and benefits.

  • Davis v. Abercrombie & Fitch

    We represented over 60 loss prevention supervisors and agents in Abercrombie & Fitch stores in New York and New Jersey who were not paid overtime, as well as several individuals who asserted claims of discrimination and retaliation.

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. South Beach Beverage Corp & PepsiCo

    We represented five female employees who were part of a case brought by the EEOC for wide-spread sexual harassment. The matter was resolved pursuant to a consent decree that was approved by the district court.

  • Ezold v. Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen

    First case alleging sex discrimination in denial of partnership to a female attorney at a large law firm; trial widely followed by bar and verdict for plaintiff was later reversed by circuit court.

  • FitzGerald v. Ford Marrin Esposito Witmeyer & Gleser, L.L.P.

    Sexual harassment action on behalf of female attorney at a law firm. We prevailed at trial and on appeal.

  • Gambale v. Deutsche Bank AG

    Gender discrimination action on behalf of a female managing director at Deutsche Bank. The matter was resolved shortly before trial.

  • Goonan v. Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Goonan v. Federal Reserve Bank of New York We successfully defended a motion to dismiss the disability discrimination and retaliation claims of a 9/11 survivor who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Plaintiff Bruce Goonan was forced to end his twenty-five year career at the NY Fed when the NY Fed refused to provide him with reasonable accommodations for his disability in violation of federal, state, and city anti-discrimination laws.

  • Harris v. E.F. Hutton Group

    We represented a class of approximately 100 high-level employees who were deprived of payment for their shares of stock upon a change in control when Shearson Lehman and E.F. Hutton merged. The case settled for more than $16 million.

  • Herlihy v. Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Age discrimination and defamation action on behalf of an employee at the museum. Motions to dismiss were denied and upheld by the Appellate Division on a novel issue of law.

  • Lott v. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Inc.

    The case involved a race discrimination action on behalf of African-American workers at a nuclear waste disposal site in South Carolina. Claims include disparate treatment in promotions, raises and work assignments

  • Lyons v. Legal Aid Society

    The Second Circuit Court held that an employee with a mobility impairment was entitled to a reasonable accommodation of a parking space, and that employees generally can request reasonable accommodations in getting to and returning home from work.

  • Mahoney v. Canada Dry Bottling Co. of New York

    Retaliation claim on behalf of beverage salesperson. Jury verdict in plaintiff’s favor.

  • Matice, Simonson, Stern and Vernimb v. Pfizer Inc.

    Series of arbitrations in which the firm successfully represented claimants seeking benefits under an enhanced severance plan that applied to employees who were constructively discharged following Pfizer’s acquisition of Warner-Lambert.

  • Meloff v. New York Life Ins. Co.

    Defamation and retaliation action on behalf of employee allegedly fired for improperly using corporate credit card. The firm was successful in two appeals before the Second Circuit Court.

  • Pappas v. Watson Wyatt

    Plaintiff who was fired after advising her employer of her supervisor’s inappropriate conduct prevailed at trial on her retaliation claim.

  • Sotak v. McGraw Hill

    Jury ruled for plaintiff on his age discrimination claim, resulting in an award of over $350,000.

  • Whittlesey v. Union Carbide Corp.

    Established the right of a plaintiff to recover “front pay” under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act in the Second Circuit Court. Also defined “key employee” under that statute.

  • Wieder v. Skala

    The New York Court of Appeals held that plaintiff, an attorney, should not have been fired for insisting that his firm report professional misconduct that the ethical rules required to be reported.

  • Zakre v. Norddeutsche Landesbank

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed an award of over $2.3 million in favor of plaintiff after she prevailed before a jury on all of her claims of sex discrimination, retaliation and hostile work environment.